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Attending Your Specialist Screening Practitioners Clinic Face to Face

On receipt of your appointment letter, PLEASE CALL US ON 020 8869 3543 TO CONFIRM ATTENDANCE OF THIS APPOINTMENT.

Your screening practitioner appointment will be held in the Bowel Screening Unit/Private Patient Suite, which is located on Level 3 (Ground Floor) at St Mark's Hospital (Harrow).

Please follow the instructions below on arrival for your appointment:-

- On arrival at St Mark's Hospital Patient Entrance (as indicated on the map below), please make your way down the main corridor following the blue line on the floor. Just after the St Mark's Tea Bar, turn left to follow the green line to the Bowel Screening Unit/Private Patient Suite.

- At the entrance to the Bowel Screening Unit, please press the intercom on the right-hand side of the door to notify us of your arrival.

- In addition, please note:-

Face masks are provided in dispensers at both the St Mark's Main Entrance, and at the entrance to the Bowel Screening Unit for your use.

- Please clean your hands with the hand sanitiser provided as soon as you enter the hospital.

Please DO NOT attend your appointment if you have tested positive for COVID within the last 14 days, are self-isolating, or are currently experiencing symptoms of COVID (or other viral infection) which could easily be transmitted to other people within the hospital.

Instead, please call us on 020 8869 3543 for further advice, and to arrange an alternative date. Please note your appointment may need to be deferred for at least 14 days from the time your symptoms started ( or you tested positive).

If you cannot attend this appointment for any other reason, please call the Freephone number 0800 707 60 60.


National Bowel Screening Hub Helpline: 0800 707 6060 to order a home-test kit, book an appointment, and general inquiries about bowel screening. Open 9am to 5pm.

St. Mark's Bowel Screening Health Promotion: 020 8869 3376 to speak to the Health Promotion team to arrange a talk, training session or raise awareness

St Mark's Hospital website

Website created by Partners in Creation

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