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About the Test


All men and women aged between 50-74 and who are registered with a GP are invited to participate in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. 

The age when you receive the FIT Kit is currently being lowered. Starting last year, 2021, the age you receive your invitation will gradually be be lowered to the age of 50 over the next 3 years.

A test kit is sent in the post every two years and provides a simple, hygienic and discreet way for you to collect a small sample of your bowel motion (poo) in the privacy of your own home.


National Bowel Screening Hub Helpline: 0800 707 6060 to order a home-test kit, book an appointment, and general inquiries about bowel screening. Open 9am to 5pm.

St. Mark's Bowel Screening Health Promotion: 020 8869 3376 to speak to the Health Promotion team to arrange a talk, training session or raise awareness

St Mark's Hospital website

Website created by Partners in Creation

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